Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Alternative Media

Alternative Media

Advertising & Promotion - Communicating Brands

Advertising & Promotion - Communicating Brands

Advertising 2-0 Social Media Marketing in a Web 2-0 World

Advertising 2-0 Social Media Marketing in a Web 2-0 World

Ads To Icons

Ads To Icons

The ad industry needs a wake

The ad industry needs a wake

Strategic choices of an advertising agency

A critical issue is how big the size of an agency should be. Size will matter if new
capabilities are to be built, more value-added services are to be provided and cost to the
client is to be reduced. also, the industry is getting concentrated, and unless an agency
figures in the top ten, it is unlikely to make reasonable money.  Strategic choices of an advertising agency

Redefining Media Consultancies

The purpose of a media schedule is to deliver an advertiser’s message as effectively
as possible, to sell product. We would like to do that economically as well and call
that measure of efficiency cost per thousand. Until very recently, we had the means
to primarily measure the fuel efficiency of the schedule, not necessarily its
effectiveness in stimulating sales. As a result, we became overly dependent upon
efficiency as a measure of a media schedule’s worth. Redefining Media Consultancies


Why Creatives Have Trouble With the New Philosophy of Planning  RECENCY: RELEVANCE, REPETITION AND RESIDUE

Measuring the Impact of Advertising

Measuring the impact of advertising ... that is what Randy Stone, from Media Marketing
Assessment, and I, Mike Duffy, from Kraft USA, would like to discuss. We will also be discussing
the concept of the advertising 'halo' effect, but that is only part of our story.  Measuring the Impact of Advertising

Measuring the health of your brand

On a practical level, a brand is valuable because people want to buy it more than another brand. But what is this
value based on? It may be that the NPD process gives the brand a genuine performance edge, or that a product
can be produced more cheaply than its competitors, or even that the company owns the distribution network so
that the consumer can buy only that brand.  Measuring the health of your brand

Measuring the effectiveness of integrated marketing

Creative signed off, media selected, and you have even ensured a 'skewer through the kebab' with
some clever campaign-integration device. 'Should be good', you tell yourself, while at the same time
doubt niggles.  Measuring the effectiveness of integrated marketing

Maximizing Brand Presence At Special Events

Budweiser's approach to special event marketing reinforces
its reputation as 'King'  Maximizing Brand Presence At Special Events

Marketing plan for Procter and Gamble

Procter and Gamble is a global company. It is very famous for light
detergent liquid products in 1980s with three leading LDL brands (Dawn,
Joy, and Ivory). Procter and Gamble had spread over 26 countries with
consumer and industrial products (about 90 brand products). We can
assure that P&G is one of wisest marketing company in the world in 80s.  Marketing plan for Procter and Gamble

Marketing Communication & Advertising

Marketing Communication & Advertising



Increasing Quality Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

A meta-analysis of question framing in conversion studies  Increasing Quality Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

IMC And Hollywood - What brand managers need to know

Once upon a time, Hollywood studios and artists did not like to be associated with brands: taking the
money was thought to compromise artistic integrity. But not any more. Entertainment marketing,
which 'embeds' brands seamlessly within entertainment experiences is the latest thinking in
integrated marketing communications (IMC). Old favourites like product placement and franchised
toys have moved on. Now the advertising, marketing and entertainment industries are working closer
together than ever.  IMC And Hollywood - What brand managers need to know

If the Question Is Ad Effects, the Answer Is 'Not Elasticities'

After market-mix modeling, it has become the custom to report advertising sales elasticity. This
has been used to compare advertising effects: across years, campaigns, media, regions, and
brands. This is incorrect.  If the Question Is Ad Effects, the Answer Is 'Not Elasticities'

How Brand Reputation Affects the Advertising-Brand Equity Link

However, what, if any, is the relationship between a brand's reputation among its consumers and
brand equity outcomes (relative price, market share) from the point of view of the firm? And what
is the relationship of marketing-mix variables such as advertising (Aaker and Biel, 1993) to both
brand reputations and brand equity outcomes?   How Brand Reputation Affects the Advertising-Brand Equity Link

How Advertising Pays Back

It can lift in the short term, but the real returns have to be looked for over time,
says Tim Broadbent, Bates UK   How Advertising Pays Back

Face it: no one's willing to work for ad agencies anymore

Face it: no one's willing to work for ad agencies anymore

Evaluating Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing accountability and measuring the effectiveness of marketing spend are key problems for
marketers. One area coming under scrutiny is spending on brand development. Quantifying return on
investment and shareholder value created (or destroyed) from brand investment is a key issue.  Evaluating Marketing Effectiveness

Does Food advertising Make ChildrenObese

Does Food advertising make Children obese

Does Advertising Cause a Hierarchy of Effects

Does Advertising Cause a Hierarchy of Effects

Do Sales Promotions Really Work

Do Sales Promotions Really Work

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creating Lasting, Profitable Customer Loyalty in Highly Competitive Markets

Creating Lasting, Profitable Customer Loyalty in Highly Competitive Markets

Copycat Categories

These are industries where every company in the category seems to duplicate the
strategy of their competitors, all of them. Hyper-homogeneity. Copycat Categories

Coping with the post-advertising age

Coping with the post-advertising age

Consumer Segmentation and Media

One compelling piece of evidence for the non-adoption of the marketing orientation is the lack of use of
customer segmentation as the starting point for understanding customers’ wants and needs. All markets
are heterogeneous. To understand needs you need to organise consumers into homogeneous groups – ie,
segment the market. Consumer Segmentation and Media

Communication Planning - Non Profit


Broadening the Concept of Account Planning

Planning as a distinct agency function emerged in the late 1960s. It was an effective response to
three key issues of that period.  Broadening the Concept of Account Planning

Advertising Short & Long Term Sales Effect

In almost all cases relating to 'modelling of advertising' the method referred to is econometrics. It is
not the purpose of this paper to go into considerable detail on the methodology - there are other
places for that - but I will say three things about it.   Advertising Short & Long Term Sales Effect

Advertising Performance

You have agreed your budget, are happy with the creative strategy and media plan, and your
campaign is out there. Now you have to show what this cost and effort are achieving. Unless you can
do this, you cannot plan for the future; your brand may lose future support (and you may lose your
job).   Advertising Performance

Advertising Glossary

Advertising Glossary : Share, Demographic, Rating, etc   Advertising Glossary

Advertising for Results

Advertising for Results

Advertising for Dummies

Advertising For Dummies

Advertising as a Factor of Production

One of the most perplexing issues marketing managers face today is that of allocating scarce
resources efficiently to drive top-line revenue.  Advertising as a Factor of Production

Do It Your Self Advertising And Promotion

Do It Your Self Advertising And Promotion

Advertising and Profitability The Long Term Returns

Marilyn Baxter combines data from the PIMS database and the IPA Data Bank to show how adspend can drive
profitability - even through recession  Advertising and Profitability The Long Term Returns

Advertiser-Targeting Multicultural Markets

But for some marketers, treading into unfamiliar territory and the fear of making
mistakes, remain barriers. And there have been some mistakes.  Advertiser-Targeting Multicultural Markets

Advertiser New Insight to The Brain

Brain science is revolutionising advertising thinking and research. Millward Brown’s
Erik du Plessis explains the implications for advertisers  Advertiser New Insight to The Brain

Ads Work - But How

Advertising is not homogeneous. Different ads and campaigns have different objectives, work in
different ways and speak to different targets. So generalising is frustrating. You could argue that it is
not worth trying to answer the question 'How does advertising work?' – yet we all think we know the
answer, but our answers all differ; and this has massive implications for client–agency relationships
and for research programmes.  Ads Work - But How

Ads Strategies for Brand Warfare

In marketing, as in the military, there
are attack forces and there are occupation forces. They play different roles with different strengths and
weaknesses.  Ads Strategies for Brand Warfare

Ad Strategies Ad Half Lives For fmcg Brands and Markets

As one of the explanatory variables in an advertising effect model we use an adstock calculation.
To calculate an adstock value, it is necessary to determine a retention rate. In this work we
estimate the optimal retention rate for 89 different fmcg (packaged goods) brands and calculate
the corresponding half-life.  Ad Strategies Ad Half Lives For fmcg Brands and Markets

Ad Cerative's relationship With Ad Research

One of the greatest contrasts the difference in attitude towards research between the ad agency creatives and the
client 'creatives' – the product designers.   Ad Cerative's relationship With Ad Research

A Passion for Advertising

All that planning must yield great ads that speak to real people. A Passion for Advertising

A New Technique to Evaluate Advertising

For two years, Research International Germany has been offering a new research technique with which finished
commercials, ad concepts (storyboards), product concepts, or other design alternatives (packaging) can be
tested for their acceptance by the target group.  A New Technique to Evaluate Advertising

A New Approach to Segmenting the global child

In this article Robin Lauffer proposes a new and different approach to segmentation, one based upon mindset
rather than on gender, age or lifestyle. While looking for key differences, she starts with a simple truth about
children around the world.The model used can be applied across categories and has significant implications for
new product development, communications and market prioritization.  A New Approach to Segmenting the global child

A Dialoque on Advertising Effectiveness and Efficiency

Tim Ambler, London Business School, and Simon Broadbent, BrandCon Limited, discuss how
advertising evaluation could be sharpened A Dialoque on Advertising Effectiveness and Efficiency

A Comparison of Two Advertising Effect Models

We have different methods for determining the effect of advertising on consumers' purchase decisions.
However, there is not one method said to be the correct one. It is as such not necessary to have one
correct method of approach, but if the methods do not give the same result this can pose a problem –
which method should be used? In extreme cases the methods can give opposite results, and depending
on the situation the most appropriate method may be chosen. It would therefore be useful to test whether
or not the methods give the same result. The methods studied in this work are the STAS-measure,
introduced by John Philip Jones and a Logit-model with an Adstock calculation as the only explanatory
variable.A Comparison of Two Advertising Effect Models

10 Ways to Increase Corporate ROI

The idea that marketing should underpin shareholder value creation is chanted by marketing gurus
everywhere. However, the link between shareholder objectives and marketing's most visual activity
(marketing communications) remains as distant as ever. This article makes a start at linking the two in as
practical a manner as possible, championing communications as the unsung hero – best placed to derive
corporate ROI from the customer.10 Ways to Increase Corporate ROI
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